Table of Contents

Method Apply


Apply(ColorBgra, ColorBgra)

public abstract ColorBgra Apply(ColorBgra lhs, ColorBgra rhs)


lhs ColorBgra
rhs ColorBgra



Apply(ColorBgra*, ColorBgra*, ColorBgra*, int)

public virtual void Apply(ColorBgra* dst, ColorBgra* lhs, ColorBgra* rhs, int length)


dst ColorBgra*
lhs ColorBgra*
rhs ColorBgra*
length int

Apply(Surface, Point, Surface, Point, Surface, Point, Size)

Provides a default implementation for performing dst = F(lhs, rhs) over some rectangle of interest.

public void Apply(Surface dst, Point dstOffset, Surface lhs, Point lhsOffset, Surface rhs, Point rhsOffset, Size roiSize)


dst Surface

The Surface to write pixels to.

dstOffset Point

The pixel offset that defines the upper-left of the rectangle-of-interest for the dst Surface.

lhs Surface

The Surface to read pixels from for the lhs parameter given to the method ColorBgra Apply(ColorBgra, ColorBgra)b>.

lhsOffset Point

The pixel offset that defines the upper-left of the rectangle-of-interest for the lhs Surface.

rhs Surface

The Surface to read pixels from for the rhs parameter given to the method ColorBgra Apply(ColorBgra, ColorBgra)

rhsOffset Point

The pixel offset that defines the upper-left of the rectangle-of-interest for the rhs Surface.

roiSize Size

The size of the rectangles-of-interest for all Surfaces.

Apply(ColorBgra*, ColorBgra*, int)

public override void Apply(ColorBgra* dst, ColorBgra* src, int length)


dst ColorBgra*
src ColorBgra*
length int

Apply(Surface, Point, Surface, Point, int)

This version of Apply will perform on a scanline, not just a rectangle.

public override void Apply(Surface dst, Point dstOffset, Surface src, Point srcOffset, int roiLength)


dst Surface
dstOffset Point
src Surface
srcOffset Point
roiLength int

Apply(Surface, Surface)

public void Apply(Surface dst, Surface src)


dst Surface
src Surface

Apply(ISurface<ColorBgra>, ISurface<ColorBgra>)

public void Apply(ISurface<ColorBgra> dstAndLhs, ISurface<ColorBgra> rhs)


dstAndLhs ISurface<ColorBgra>
rhs ISurface<ColorBgra>

Apply(RegionPtr<ColorBgra>, RegionPtr<ColorBgra>)

public void Apply(RegionPtr<ColorBgra> dstAndLhs, RegionPtr<ColorBgra> rhs)


dstAndLhs RegionPtr<ColorBgra>
rhs RegionPtr<ColorBgra>

Apply(RegionPtr<ColorBgra>, RegionPtr<ColorBgra>, RegionPtr<ColorBgra>)

public void Apply(RegionPtr<ColorBgra> dst, RegionPtr<ColorBgra> lhs, RegionPtr<ColorBgra> rhs)


dst RegionPtr<ColorBgra>
lhs RegionPtr<ColorBgra>
rhs RegionPtr<ColorBgra>

Apply(Surface, Surface, Surface)

public void Apply(Surface dst, Surface lhs, Surface rhs)


dst Surface
lhs Surface
rhs Surface

Apply(ISurface<ColorBgra>, ISurface<ColorBgra>, ISurface<ColorBgra>)

public void Apply(ISurface<ColorBgra> dst, ISurface<ColorBgra> lhs, ISurface<ColorBgra> rhs)


dst ISurface<ColorBgra>
lhs ISurface<ColorBgra>
rhs ISurface<ColorBgra>

Apply(Surface, Surface, Surface, Rectangle)

public void Apply(Surface dst, Surface lhs, Surface rhs, Rectangle rect)


dst Surface
lhs Surface
rhs Surface
rect Rectangle