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Enum BlendOption


Specifies how one of the color sources is to be derived and optionally specifies a preblend operation on the color source.

public enum BlendOption


Zero = 1

The data source is black (0, 0, 0, 0). There is no preblend operation.

One = 2

The data source is white (1, 1, 1, 1). There is no preblend operation.

SourceColor = 3

The data source is color data (RGB) from the second input of the blend transform. There is not a preblend operation.

InverseSourceColor = 4

The data source is color data (RGB) from second input of the blend transform. The preblend operation inverts the data, generating 1 - RGB.

SourceAlpha = 5

The data source is alpha data (A) from second input of the blend transform. There is no preblend operation.

InverseSourceAlpha = 6

The data source is alpha data (A) from the second input of the blend transform. The preblend operation inverts the data, generating 1 - A.

DestinationAlpha = 7

The data source is alpha data (A) from the first input of the blend transform. There is no preblend operation.

InverseDestinationAlpha = 8

The data source is alpha data (A) from the first input of the blend transform. The preblend operation inverts the data, generating 1 - A.

DestinationColor = 9

The data source is color data from the first input of the blend transform. There is no preblend operation.

InverseDestinationColor = 10

The data source is color data from the first input of the blend transform. The preblend operation inverts the data, generating 1 - RGB.

SourceAlphaSaturated = 11

The data source is alpha data from the second input of the blend transform. The preblend operation clamps the data to 1 or less.

BlendFactor = 14

The data source is the blend factor. There is no preblend operation.

InverseBlendFactor = 15

The data source is the blend factor. The preblend operation inverts the blend factor, generating 1 - blend_factor.


See also D3D10_BLEND.