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Enum CompositeMode


Specifies a compositing mode. See D2D1_COMPOSITE_MODE and Direct2D Composite effect for more info.

public enum CompositeMode


SourceOver = 0

The standard source-over-destination blend mode.

DestinationOver = 1

The destination is rendered over the source.

SourceIn = 2

Performs a logical clip of the source pixels against the destination pixels.

DestinationIn = 3

The inverse of the SourceIn operation.

SourceOut = 4

The logical inverse of the SourceIn operation.

DestinationOut = 5

The logical inverse to the DestinationIn operation.

SourceAtop = 6

Writes the source pixels over the destination where there are destination pixels.

DestinationAtop = 7

The logical inverse of the SourceAtop operation.

Xor = 8

The source is inverted with the destination.

Plus = 9

The channel components are summed.

SourceCopy = 10

The source is copied to the destination; the destination pixels are ignored.

BoundedSourceCopy = 11

Equivalent to SourceCopy, but pixels outside of the source bounds are unchanged.

MaskInvert = 12

Destination colors are inverted according to a source mask.