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Enum BlendMode2

public enum BlendMode2


Additive = 0

The source and destination colors are summed.
output = dst + src

Reflect = 1

The source colors are reflected over the destination colors.
output = min(1, (dst * dst) / (1 - src))

Glow = 2

The inverse of Reflect.
output = min(1, (src * src) / (1 - dst))

Negation = 3

The source colors are negated over the destination colors.
output = (1 - abs(1 - dst - src))

Min = 4

The minimum of each color channel is used.
output = [R=min(dst.R, src.R), G=min(dst.G, src.G), B=min(dst.B, src.B)]

Max = 5

The maximum of each color channel is used.
output = [R=max(dst.R, src.R), G=max(dst.G, src.G), B=max(dst.B, src.B)]

XorInt8 = 6

The source and destination colors are XOR'd together using 8-bits of precision.

XorInt16 = 7

The source and destination colors are XOR'd together using 16-bits of precision.