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Enum HlslUnaryFunction

public enum HlslUnaryFunction


Abs = 0

Returns the absolute value of the specified value.

Acos = 1

Returns the arccosine of the specified value.

Asin = 2

Returns the arcsine of the specified value.

Atan = 3

Returns the arctangent of the specified value.

Ceil = 4

Returns the smallest integer value that is greater than or equal to the specified value.

Cos = 5

Returns the cosine of the specified value.

Cosh = 6

Returns the hyperbolic cosine of the specified value.

Degrees = 7

Converts the specified value from radians to degrees.

DerivativeOfDx = 8

Returns the partial derivative of the specified value with respect to the screen-space x-coordinate.

DerivativeOfDxHighPrecision = 9

Computes a high precision partial derivative with respect to the screen-space x-coordinate.

DerivativeOfDxLowPrecision = 10

Computes a low precision partial derivative with respect to the screen-space x-coordinate.

DerivativeOfDy = 11

Returns the partial derivative of the specified value with respect to the screen-space y-coordinate.

DerivativeOfDyHighPrecision = 12

Computes a high precision partial derivative with respect to the screen-space y-coordinate.

DerivativeOfDyLowPrecision = 13

Computes a low precision partial derivative with respect to the screen-space y-coordinate.

Exp = 14

Returns the base-e exponential of the specified value.

Exp2 = 15

Returns the base-2 exponential of the specified value.

Floor = 16

Returns the largest integer that is less than or equal to the specified value.

Frac = 17

Returns the fractional (or decimal) part of the input which is greater than or equal to 0 and less than 1.

Fwidth = 18

Returns the absolute value of the partial derivatives of the specified value.

Log = 19

Returns the base-e logarithm of the specified value.

Log2 = 20

Returns the base-2 logarithm of the specified value.

Log10 = 21

Returns the base-10 logarithm of the specified value.

Normalize = 22

Normalizes the specified floating-point vector according to x / length(x).

Radians = 23

Converts the specified value from degrees to radians.

Rcp = 24

Calculates a fast, approximate, per-component reciprocal.

Round = 25

Rounds the specified value to the nearest integer. Halfway cases are rounded to the nearest even.

Rsqrt = 26

Returns the reciprocal of the square root of the specified value.

Saturate = 27

Clamps the specified value within the range of 0 to 1.

Sign = 28

Returns the sign of the input value.

Sin = 29

Returns the sine of the specified value.

Sinh = 30

Returns the hyperbolic sine of the specified value.

Sqrt = 31

Returns the square root of the specified floating-point value, per component.

Tan = 32

Returns the tangent of the specified value.

Tanh = 33

Returns the hyperbolic tangent of the specified value.

Trunc = 34

Truncates a floating-point value to the integer component.

Length = 35

Returns the length of the specified floating-point vector.

FrexpMantissaPortion = 36

Returns the mantissa and exponent of the specified floating-point value. This function only returns the mantissa portion of the result.

FrexpExponentPortion = 37

Returns the mantissa and exponent of the specified floating-point value. This function only returns the exponent portion of the result.

ModfIntegerPortion = 38

Splits a value into fractional and integer parts, each with the same sign as the input value. This function only returns the integer portion of the result.

ModfFractionalPortion = 39

Splits a value into fractional and integer parts, each with the same sign as the input value. This function only returns the fractional portion of the result.