Table of Contents

Enum MixMode


Provides composite modes, blend modes, and alpha masking. These modes are aggregated from CompositeMode, BlendMode, BlendMode2, and the AlphaMaskEffect.

public enum MixMode
Extension Methods


CompositeSourceOver = 0

The standard source-over-destination blend mode.

CompositeDestinationOver = 1

The destination is rendered over the source.

CompositeSourceIn = 2

Performs a logical clip of the source pixels against the destination pixels.

CompositeDestinationIn = 3

The inverse of the SourceIn operation.

CompositeSourceOut = 4

The logical inverse of the SourceIn operation.

CompositeDestinationOut = 5

The logical inverse to the DestinationIn operation.

CompositeSourceAtop = 6

Writes the source pixels over the destination where there are destination pixels.

CompositeDestinationAtop = 7

The logical inverse of the SourceAtop operation.

CompositeXor = 8

The source is inverted with the destination.

CompositePlus = 9

The channel components are summed.

CompositeSourceCopy = 10

The source is copied to the destination; the destination pixels are ignored.

CompositeBoundedSourceCopy = 11

Equivalent to SourceCopy, but pixels outside of the source bounds are unchanged.

CompositeMaskInvert = 12

Destination colors are inverted according to a source mask.

BlendMultiply = 1000

See Direct2D Blend modes and Direct2D Blend effect for more information.

BlendScreen = 1001

See Direct2D Blend modes and Direct2D Blend effect for more information.

BlendDarken = 1002

See Direct2D Blend modes and Direct2D Blend effect for more information.

BlendLighten = 1003

See Direct2D Blend modes and Direct2D Blend effect for more information.

BlendDissolve = 1004

See Direct2D Blend modes and Direct2D Blend effect for more information.

BlendColorBurn = 1005

See Direct2D Blend modes and Direct2D Blend effect for more information.

BlendLinearBurn = 1006

See Direct2D Blend modes and Direct2D Blend effect for more information.

BlendDarkerColor = 1007

See Direct2D Blend modes and Direct2D Blend effect for more information.

BlendLighterColor = 1008

See Direct2D Blend modes and Direct2D Blend effect for more information.

BlendColorDodge = 1009

See Direct2D Blend modes and Direct2D Blend effect for more information.

BlendLinearDodge = 1010

See Direct2D Blend modes and Direct2D Blend effect for more information.

BlendOverlay = 1011

See Direct2D Blend modes and Direct2D Blend effect for more information.

BlendSoftLight = 1012

See Direct2D Blend modes and Direct2D Blend effect for more information.

BlendHardLight = 1013

See Direct2D Blend modes and Direct2D Blend effect for more information.

BlendVividLight = 1014

See Direct2D Blend modes and Direct2D Blend effect for more information.

BlendLinearLight = 1015

See Direct2D Blend modes and Direct2D Blend effect for more information.

BlendPinLight = 1016

See Direct2D Blend modes and Direct2D Blend effect for more information.

BlendHardMix = 1017

See Direct2D Blend modes and Direct2D Blend effect for more information.

BlendDifference = 1018

See Direct2D Blend modes and Direct2D Blend effect for more information.

BlendExclusion = 1019

See Direct2D Blend modes and Direct2D Blend effect for more information.

BlendHue = 1020

See Direct2D Blend modes and Direct2D Blend effect for more information.

BlendSaturation = 1021

See Direct2D Blend modes and Direct2D Blend effect for more information.

BlendColor = 1022

See Direct2D Blend modes and Direct2D Blend effect for more information.

BlendLuminosity = 1023

See Direct2D Blend modes and Direct2D Blend effect for more information.

BlendSubtract = 1024

See Direct2D Blend modes and Direct2D Blend effect for more information.

BlendDivision = 1025

See Direct2D Blend modes and Direct2D Blend effect for more information.

Blend2Additive = 2000

The source colors are reflected over the destination colors.
output = min(1, (dst * dst) / (1 - src))

Blend2Reflect = 2001

The source colors are reflected over the destination colors.
output = min(1, (dst * dst) / (1 - src))

Blend2Glow = 2002

The inverse of Reflect.
output = min(1, (src * src) / (1 - dst))

Blend2Negation = 2003

The source colors are negated over the destination colors.
output = (1 - abs(1 - dst - src))

Blend2Min = 2004

The minimum of each color channel is used.
output = [R=min(dst.R, src.R), G=min(dst.G, src.G), B=min(dst.B, src.B)]

Blend2Max = 2005

The maximum of each color channel is used.
output = [R=max(dst.R, src.R), G=max(dst.G, src.G), B=max(dst.B, src.B)]

Blend2XorInt8 = 2006

The source and destination colors are XOR'd together using 8-bits of precision.

Blend2XorInt16 = 2007

The source and destination colors are XOR'd together using 16-bits of precision.

AlphaMask = 3000

Applies an alpha mask from the source to the destination.
Color values in the destination are multiplied by the alpha channel of the source.
Direct2D Alpha mask effect for more information.