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Method DrawColorBitmapGlyphRun


DrawColorBitmapGlyphRun(GlyphImageFormats, Point2Float, in GlyphRun, TextMeasuringMode, ColorBitmapGlyphSnapOption)

Draws a color bitmap glyph run using one of the bitmap formats.

void DrawColorBitmapGlyphRun(GlyphImageFormats glyphImageFormats, Point2Float baselineOrigin, in GlyphRun glyphRun, TextMeasuringMode measuringMode = TextMeasuringMode.Natural, ColorBitmapGlyphSnapOption bitmapSnapOption = ColorBitmapGlyphSnapOption.Default)


glyphImageFormats GlyphImageFormats

Specifies the format of the glyph image. The supported formats are Png, Jpeg, Tiff, or PremultipliedBgra32. This method will result in an error if the color glyph run does not contain the requested format. Only one format can be specified at a time, combinations of flags are not valid input.

baselineOrigin Point2Float

The origin of the baseline for the glyph run.

glyphRun GlyphRun

The glyphs to render.

measuringMode TextMeasuringMode

Indicates the measuring method.

bitmapSnapOption ColorBitmapGlyphSnapOption

Specifies the pixel snapping policy when rendering color bitmap glyphs.