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Method DrawGlyphRun


DrawGlyphRun(Point2Float, in GlyphRun, in GlyphRunDescription, IDeviceBrush, TextMeasuringMode)

Draws a series of glyphs to the device context.

void DrawGlyphRun(Point2Float baselineOrigin, in GlyphRun glyphRun, in GlyphRunDescription glyphRunDescription, IDeviceBrush foregroundBrush, TextMeasuringMode measuringMode = TextMeasuringMode.Natural)


baselineOrigin Point2Float

Origin of first glyph in the series.

glyphRun GlyphRun

The glyphs to render.

glyphRunDescription GlyphRunDescription

Supplementary glyph series information. Optional. Use the C# default keyword to omit this parameter.

foregroundBrush IDeviceBrush

The brush that defines the text color.

measuringMode TextMeasuringMode

The measuring mode of the glyph series, used to determine the advances and offsets.


The glyphRunDescription is ignored when rendering, but can be useful for printing and serialization of rendering commands, such as to an XPS or SVG file.