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Method DrawSvgGlyphRun


DrawSvgGlyphRun(Point2Float, in GlyphRun, IDeviceBrush?, ISvgGlyphStyle?, int, TextMeasuringMode)

Draws a color glyph run that has the format of Svg.

void DrawSvgGlyphRun(Point2Float baselineOrigin, in GlyphRun glyphRun, IDeviceBrush? defaultFillBrush = null, ISvgGlyphStyle? svgGlyphStyle = null, int colorPaletteIndex = 0, TextMeasuringMode measuringMode = TextMeasuringMode.Natural)


baselineOrigin Point2Float

The origin of the baseline for the glyph run.

glyphRun GlyphRun

The glyphs to render.

defaultFillBrush IDeviceBrush

The brush used to paint the specified glyphs.

svgGlyphStyle ISvgGlyphStyle

Values for context-fill, context-stroke, and context-value that are used when rendering SVG glyphs.

colorPaletteIndex int

The index used to select a color palette within a color font. Note that this not the same as the paletteIndex in the ColorGlyphRun struct, which is not relevant for SVG glyphs.

measuringMode TextMeasuringMode

Indicates the measuring method used for text layout.