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Method InvalidateEffectInputRectangle


InvalidateEffectInputRectangle(IDeviceEffect, int, RectFloat)

This indicates that a portion of an effect's input is invalid. This method can be called many times.

You can use this method to propagate invalid rectangles through an effect graph. You can query Direct2D using the GetEffectInvalidRectangles(IDeviceEffect) method.

NOTE: Direct2D does not automatically use these invalid rectangles to reduce the region of an effect that is rendered.
You can also use this method to invalidate caches that have accumulated while rendering effects that have the Cached property set to true.

void InvalidateEffectInputRectangle(IDeviceEffect effect, int input, RectFloat inputRect)


effect IDeviceEffect

The effect to invalidate.

input int

The input index.

inputRect RectFloat

The rect to invalidate.