Interface IDirect2DFactory
- Namespace
- PaintDotNet.Direct2D1
- Assembly
- PaintDotNet.Windows.dll
Creates Direct2D resources.
This interface corresponds to the following Direct2D interfaces:
public interface IDirect2DFactory : IObjectRef, IIsDisposed, IDisposable, IInternalImpl
- Inherited Members
- Extension Methods
- CreateBitmapDeviceContext(IBitmap, in DeviceContextProperties)
Creates a device context that renders to a IBitmap.
- CreateDCDeviceContext(in DeviceContextProperties)
Creates a render target that draws to a Windows Graphics Device Interface (GDI) device context.
- CreateDrawingStateBlock(in DrawingStateDescription?, ITextRenderingParameters?)
Creates an IDrawingStateBlock that can be used with the SaveDrawingState(IDrawingStateBlock) and RestoreDrawingState(IDrawingStateBlock) methods.
- CreateEllipseGeometry(Ellipse)
Creates an IEllipseGeometry.
- CreateGdiMetafile(Stream)
Creates a new IGdiMetafile object that you can use to replay metafile content.
- CreateGeometryGroup(FillMode, ReadOnlySpan<IGeometry>)
Creates an IGeometryGroup, which is an object that holds other geometries.
- CreateHwndDeviceContext(in DeviceContextProperties, in HwndDeviceContextProperties)
Creates an IHwndDeviceContext, a device context that renders to a window.
- CreatePathGeometry()
Creates an empty IPathGeometry.
- CreateRectangleGeometry(RectFloat)
Creates an IRectangleGeometry.
- CreateStrokeStyle(in StrokeStyleProperties, ReadOnlySpan<float>)
Creates an IStrokeStyle that describes start cap, dash pattern, and other features of a stroke.
- CreateTransformedGeometry(IGeometry, in Matrix3x2Float)
Transforms the specified geometry and stores the result as an ITransformedGeometry object.
- GetEffectProperties(in DeviceEffectID)
Retrieves the properties of an effect.
- GetRegisteredEffects()
Returns the IDs of the currently registered effects and global effects on this factory.