Table of Contents

Interface IDirect2DFactory


Creates Direct2D resources.
This interface corresponds to the following Direct2D interfaces: ID2D1Factory ID2D1Factory1 ID2D1Factory2 ID2D1Factory3 ID2D1Factory4 ID2D1Factory5 ID2D1Factory6 ID2D1Factory7

public interface IDirect2DFactory : IObjectRef, IIsDisposed, IDisposable, IInternalImpl
Inherited Members
Extension Methods


CreateBitmapDeviceContext(IBitmap, in DeviceContextProperties)

Creates a device context that renders to a IBitmap.

CreateDCDeviceContext(in DeviceContextProperties)

Creates a render target that draws to a Windows Graphics Device Interface (GDI) device context.

CreateDrawingStateBlock(in DrawingStateDescription?, ITextRenderingParameters?)

Creates an IDrawingStateBlock that can be used with the SaveDrawingState(IDrawingStateBlock) and RestoreDrawingState(IDrawingStateBlock) methods.


Creates an IEllipseGeometry.


Creates a new IGdiMetafile object that you can use to replay metafile content.

CreateGeometryGroup(FillMode, ReadOnlySpan<IGeometry>)

Creates an IGeometryGroup, which is an object that holds other geometries.

CreateHwndDeviceContext(in DeviceContextProperties, in HwndDeviceContextProperties)

Creates an IHwndDeviceContext, a device context that renders to a window.


Creates an empty IPathGeometry.


Creates an IRectangleGeometry.

CreateRoundedRectangleGeometry(in RoundedRect)

Creates an IRoundedRectangleGeometry.

CreateStrokeStyle(in StrokeStyleProperties, ReadOnlySpan<float>)

Creates an IStrokeStyle that describes start cap, dash pattern, and other features of a stroke.

CreateTransformedGeometry(IGeometry, in Matrix3x2Float)

Transforms the specified geometry and stores the result as an ITransformedGeometry object.

GetEffectProperties(in DeviceEffectID)

Retrieves the properties of an effect.


Returns the IDs of the currently registered effects and global effects on this factory.