Table of Contents

Method Render


Render(Rectangle[], int, int)

public void Render(Rectangle[] renderRects, int startIndex, int length)


renderRects Rectangle[]
startIndex int
length int

Render(EffectConfigToken?, RenderArgs, RenderArgs, Rectangle[], int, int)

Performs the effect's rendering. The source is to be treated as read-only, and only the destination pixels within the given rectangle-of-interest are to be written to. However, in order to compute the destination pixels, any pixels from the source may be utilized.

public override sealed void Render(EffectConfigToken? token, RenderArgs dstArgs, RenderArgs srcArgs, Rectangle[] rois, int startIndex, int length)


token EffectConfigToken

The token that contains the parameters to the effect. If IsConfigurable is false, then this will be null.

dstArgs RenderArgs

Describes the destination surface.

srcArgs RenderArgs

Describes the source surface.

rois Rectangle[]

The list of rectangles that describes the region to be rendered.

startIndex int

The index within roi to start enumerating from.

length int

The number of rectangles to enumerate from roi.