Table of Contents

Enum GdiMetafileRecordType


The type of a GDI metafile record. This enum may not be exhaustive; it does not include record types that were defined after this enum was created or updated.

public enum GdiMetafileRecordType


Header = 1
PolyBezier = 2
Polygon = 3
PolyLine = 4
PolyBezierTo = 5
PolyLineTo = 6
PolyPolyLine = 7
PolyPolygon = 8
SetWindowExtEx = 9
SetWindowOrgEx = 10
SetViewportExtEx = 11
SetViewportOrgEx = 12
SetBrushOrgEx = 13
Eof = 14
SetPixelV = 15
SetMapperFlags = 16
SetMapMode = 17
SetBkMode = 18
SetPolyFillMode = 19
SetRop2 = 20
SetStretchBltMode = 21
SetTextAlign = 22
SetColorAdjustment = 23
SetTextColor = 24
SetBkColor = 25
OffsetClipRgn = 26
MoveToEx = 27
SetMetaRgn = 28
ExcludeClipRect = 29
IntersectClipRect = 30
ScaleViewportExtEx = 31
ScaleWindowExtEx = 32
SaveDC = 33
RestoreDC = 34
SetWorldTransform = 35
ModifyWorldTransform = 36
SelectObject = 37
CreatePen = 38
CreateBrushIndirect = 39
DeleteObject = 40
AngleArc = 41
Ellipse = 42
Rectangle = 43
RoundRect = 44
Arc = 45
Chord = 46
Pie = 47
SelectPalette = 48
CreatePalette = 49
SetPaletteEntries = 50
ResizePalette = 51
RealizePalette = 52
ExtFloodFill = 53
LineTo = 54
ArcTo = 55
PolyDraw = 56
SetArcDirection = 57
SetMiterLimit = 58
BeginPath = 59
EndPath = 60
CloseFigure = 61
FillPath = 62
StrokeAndFillPath = 63
StrokePath = 64
FlattenPath = 65
WidenPath = 66
SelectClipPath = 67
AbortPath = 68
Comment = 70
FillRgn = 71
FrameRgn = 72
InvertRgn = 73
PaintRgn = 74
ExtSelectClipRgn = 75
BitBlt = 76
StretchBlt = 77
MaskBlt = 78
PlgBlt = 79
SetDIBitsToDevice = 80
StretchDIBits = 81
ExtCreateFontIndirectW = 82
ExtTextOutA = 83
ExtTextOutW = 84
PolyBezier16 = 85
Polygon16 = 86
PolyLine16 = 87
PolyBezierTo16 = 88
PolyLineTo16 = 89
PolyPolyLine16 = 90
PolyPolygon16 = 91
PolyDraw16 = 92
CreateMonoBrush = 93
CreateDibPatternBrushPt = 94
ExtCreatePen = 95
PolyTextOutA = 96
PolyTextOutW = 97
SetICMode = 98
CreateColorSpace = 99
SetColorSpace = 100
DeleteColorSpace = 101
GlsRecord = 102
GlsBoundedRecord = 103
PixelFormat = 104
DrawEscape = 105
ExtEscape = 106
SmallTextOut = 108
ForceUfiMapping = 109
NamedEscape = 110
ColorCorrectPalette = 111
SetIcmProfileA = 112
SetIcmProfileW = 113
AlphaBlend = 114
SetLayout = 115
TransparentBlt = 116
GradientFill = 118
SetLinkedUfis = 119
SetTextJustification = 120
ColorMatchToTargetW = 121
CreateColorSpaceW = 122


This list may not be exhaustive, as the specification for MS-EMF has been periodically updated and amended. See MS-EMF and MS-EMFPLUS for more information.