Table of Contents

Interface IPixelOp


Provides an interface for the methods that UnaryPixelOp and BinaryPixelOp share. For UnaryPixelOp, this produces the function, "dst = F(src)" For BinaryPixelOp, this produces the function, "dst = F(dst, src)"

public interface IPixelOp


Apply(Surface, Point, Surface, Point, Size)

This version of Apply has the liberty to decompose the rectangle of interest or do whatever types of optimizations it wants to with it. This is generally done to split the Apply operation into multiple threads.

Apply(Surface, Point, Surface, Point, int)

This version of Apply will perform on a scanline, not just a rectangle.

ApplyBase(Surface, Point, Surface, Point, Size)

This is the version of Apply that will always do exactly what you tell it do, without optimizations or otherwise.