Namespace PaintDotNet.Imaging
- BmpEncoderOptions
The keys in this class are used to set property values in an IPropertyBag2 when working with the BMP IBitmapEncoder's options.
See BMP Format Overview for more information.
- HeifEncoderOptions
The keys in this class are used to set property values in an IPropertyBag2 when working with the HEIF IBitmapEncoder's options.
for more information.
- JpegEncoderOptions
The keys in this class are used to set property values in an IPropertyBag2 when working with the JPEG IBitmapEncoder's options.
See JPEG Format Overview for more information.
- LinearColors
Provides predefined colors in the scRGB color space, which uses linear (1.0) gamma.
- ManagedColor
Encapsulates an RGBA color value and the color space that it is defined within, along with methods for retrieving the color while transforming it to a target color space. This removes color space ambiguity for color values, enabling them to maintain the correct visual color when moving through a larger system.
- PixelFormats
Contains properties for getting the documented, built-in pixel formats, as well as methods for obtaining information about the supported pixel formats.
- PngEncoderOptions
The keys in this class are used to set property values in an IPropertyBag2 when working with the PNG IBitmapEncoder's options.
See PNG Format Overview for more information.
- SrgbColors
Provides predefined colors in the sRGB color space, which uses approximately 2.2 gamma.
- TiffEncoderOptions
The keys in this class are used to set property values in an IPropertyBag2 when working with the TIFF IBitmapEncoder's options.
See TIFF Format Overview for more information.
- Win32ErrorException
Windows Codecs received an error from the Win32 system.
- WmpEncoderOptions
The keys in this class are used to set property values in an IPropertyBag2 when working with the WMP (aka HD Photo) IBitmapEncoder's options.
See HD Photo Format Overview for more information.
- XmpPacket
Encapsulates an immutable XMP packet. The root node is an
element that contains a single RDF element.
- ImageParameters
This defines parameters that you can use to override the default parameters normally used when encoding an image.
- IBitmapEncoder
Defines methods for setting an encoder's properties such as thumbnails, frames, and palettes.
- IBitmapSource
Exposes methods that refers to a source from which pixels are retrieved, but cannot be written back to.
See IWICBitmapSource for more information.
- IBitmapSource<TPixel>
Exposes methods that refers to a source from which pixels are retrieved, but cannot be written back to.
See IWICBitmapSource for more information.
- IColorContext
Exposes methods for color management.
See IWICColorContext for more information.
- IImagingFactory
Exposes methods used to create components for the Windows Imaging Component (WIC) such as decoders, encoders and pixel format converters.
See also: IWICImagingFactoryIWICImagingFactory2
- IManagedColorList
Represents a list of colors associated with a color profile, along with methods to retrieve those colors after transforming them to a destination color profile.
- IPalette
Exposes methods for accessing and building a color table, primarily for indexed pixel formats.
- IPixelFormatInfo
Exposes methods that provide information about a pixel format.
Corresponds to the following native interfaces: IWICPixelFormatInfo, IWICPixelFormatInfo2
- BitmapAlphaChannelOption
Specifies the desired alpha channel usage.
- BitmapCreateCacheOption
Specifies the desired cache usage.
- BitmapDecodeOptions
Specifies decode options.
- ColorContextType
Specifies the color context types.
- JpegYCrCbSubsamplingOption
Specifies the JPEG YCrCB subsampling options.
- MetadataCreationOptions
Specifies metadata creation options.
- MetadataPersistOptions
Specifies options that are used when initializing a component with a stream.
- PngFilterOption
Specifies the Portable Network Graphics (PNG) filters available for compression optimization.