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Method Apply


Apply(Surface, Surface, RectInt32[], int, int)

public void Apply(Surface dst, Surface src, RectInt32[] rois, int startIndex, int length)


dst Surface
src Surface
rois RectInt32[]
startIndex int
length int

Apply(Surface, Surface, IList<RectInt32>, int, int)

public void Apply(Surface dst, Surface src, IList<RectInt32> rois, int startIndex, int length)


dst Surface
src Surface
rois IList<RectInt32>
startIndex int
length int

Apply(Surface, Surface, Rectangle[], int, int)

public void Apply(Surface dst, Surface src, Rectangle[] rois, int startIndex, int length)


dst Surface
src Surface
rois Rectangle[]
startIndex int
length int

Apply(Surface, Point, Surface, Point, Size)

This version of Apply has the liberty to decompose the rectangle of interest or do whatever types of optimizations it wants to with it. This is generally done to split the Apply operation into multiple threads.

public void Apply(Surface dst, Point dstOffset, Surface src, Point srcOffset, Size roiSize)


dst Surface
dstOffset Point
src Surface
srcOffset Point
roiSize Size

Apply(Surface, Point, Surface, Point, int)

This version of Apply will perform on a scanline, not just a rectangle.

public virtual void Apply(Surface dst, Point dstOffset, Surface src, Point srcOffset, int scanLength)


dst Surface
dstOffset Point
src Surface
srcOffset Point
scanLength int

Apply(ColorBgra*, ColorBgra*, int)

public virtual void Apply(ColorBgra* dst, ColorBgra* src, int length)


dst ColorBgra*
src ColorBgra*
length int