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Enum ValueValidationFailureResult

public enum ValueValidationFailureResult


Ignore = 0

If an invalid value is set through a property's Value property, then it will be ignored and the current value will be retained. A ValueChanged event will then be raised with the property's retained value.

Clamp = 1

If an invalid value is set through a property's Value property, then it will either be clamped to within the valid range of the property, or it will be ignored. Clamping behavior is property value type specific; for example, an integer will be clamped to a certain range, whereas a string will be truncated past a certain length. If the invalid value cannot be clamped, then the property's Value will not change. A ValueChanged event will then be raised with the property's value, regardless of whether the value was changed or not.

ThrowException = 2

If an invalid value is set through a property's Value property, then an exception will be raised.