Custom Shapes

Paint.NET's Shapes tool supports Custom Shapes as a form of declarative plugin - code is not involved! The object model is intentionally identical to WPF geometry, with only a few caveats, and is compatible with XAML files created for WPF as long as you change the namespace and wrap the geometry object in a SimpleGeometryShape element.

The object model for Custom Shapes is contained in the PaintDotNet.Shapes and PaintDotNet.UI.Media namespaces.


Differences from WPF Geometry

The Geometry object model used for Custom Shapes is identical to WPF's Geometry object model, except for a few differences:



  • StreamGeometry does not exist
    • StreamGeometry is primarily used in code, not in XAML, and does not exist for Custom Shapes.
    • You can, however, use Path Markup syntax to initialize any property of type Geometry.
    • For example: <SimpleGeometryShape Geometry="F1 M 21,142 L 160,22 L 300,142 L 300,318 L 21,318 Z" />


There are two primary ways of expressing a custom shape. The first is with Path Markup syntax, and the other is with the Geometry object model.

Path Markup syntax example

This is an example of a coffee mug shape defined using Path Markup syntax, which is compatible with SVG path data syntax.

This example is from TechnoRobbo's shapes pack.

  Geometry="M 68,106 A 6.74,23.82,90,1,1,150.5,106 L 150.5,126 A 20.51,15.15,149.74,1,1,150.5,178.5 L 150.5,193.5 A 6.73,23.81,-90,1,1,68,193.5 L 68,106 M 73,106 A 4.03,20.96,89.29,1,1,145,105 A 6.8,24.52,-91.12,1,1,73,106 M 150.5,133.5 A 22.12,15.15,150.46,1,1,150.5,171 L 150.5,133.5 M 109,10.5 C 114.86,15.45,120,20.5,127,33,128.5,42.5,127.5,43,117.5,51,105.5,59.5,124.66,76.88,124,83.5,117,53.5,132,55.5,140.5,46,147.5,28,119.5,15,109,10.5 M 78,7 C 83.86,11.95,89,17,96,29.5,97.5,39,96.5,39.5,86.5,47.5,74.5,56,93.66,73.38,93,80,86,50,101,52,109.5,42.5,116.5,24.5,88.5,11.5,78,7" />

Coffee Mug

Geometry object model example

This is an example of a clock shape defined using the Geometry object model.

This example is from TechnoRobbo's shapes pack.

<ps:SimpleGeometryShape xmlns="clr-namespace:PaintDotNet.UI.Media;assembly=PaintDotNet.Framework"
  <GeometryGroup FillRule="EvenOdd">
      <PathFigure IsClosed="False" IsFilled="True" StartPoint="87,254">
        <ArcSegment Size="160,160" RotationAngle="0" IsLargeArc="True" SweepDirection="CounterClockwise" Point="408,254" />
      <PathFigure IsClosed="False" IsFilled="True" StartPoint="87,254">
        <ArcSegment Size="160,160" RotationAngle="0" IsLargeArc="True" SweepDirection="Clockwise" Point="408,254" />
      <PathFigure IsClosed="False" IsFilled="True" StartPoint="107,254">
        <ArcSegment Size="88,89" RotationAngle="87" IsLargeArc="True" SweepDirection="Clockwise" Point="387,254" />
        <ArcSegment Size="75,80" RotationAngle="-89" IsLargeArc="True" SweepDirection="Clockwise" Point="107,254" />
      <PathFigure IsClosed="True" IsFilled="True" StartPoint="310,90">
        <ArcSegment Size="34,33" RotationAngle="130" IsLargeArc="True" SweepDirection="Clockwise" Point="400,170" />
        <LineSegment Point="310,90" />
      <PathFigure IsClosed="True" IsFilled="True" StartPoint="180,90">
        <ArcSegment Size="34,34" RotationAngle="48" IsLargeArc="True" SweepDirection="CounterClockwise" Point="89,170" />
        <LineSegment Point="180,90" />
      <PathFigure IsClosed="False" IsFilled="True" StartPoint="90,410">
        <ArcSegment Size="29,29" RotationAngle="147" IsLargeArc="True" SweepDirection="CounterClockwise" Point="100,420" />
      <PathFigure IsClosed="False" IsFilled="True" StartPoint="410,410">
        <ArcSegment Size="29,29" RotationAngle="29" IsLargeArc="True" SweepDirection="Clockwise" Point="400,420" />
      <PathFigure IsClosed="True" IsFilled="True" StartPoint="240,230">
        <LineSegment Point="240,140" />
        <LineSegment Point="230,140" />
        <LineSegment Point="245,120" />
        <LineSegment Point="260,140" />
        <LineSegment Point="250,140" />
        <LineSegment Point="250,230" />
        <LineSegment Point="240,230" />
      <PathFigure IsClosed="False" IsFilled="True" StartPoint="233,244">
        <ArcSegment Size="10,12" RotationAngle="0" IsLargeArc="True" SweepDirection="CounterClockwise" Point="258,244" />
      <PathFigure IsClosed="False" IsFilled="True" StartPoint="233,244">
        <ArcSegment Size="10,12" RotationAngle="0" IsLargeArc="True" SweepDirection="Clockwise" Point="258,244" />
      <PathFigure IsClosed="True" IsFilled="True" StartPoint="260,250">
        <LineSegment Point="308,293" />
        <LineSegment Point="315,285" />
        <LineSegment Point="320,310" />
        <LineSegment Point="295,308" />
        <LineSegment Point="301,300" />
        <LineSegment Point="252,257" />
        <LineSegment Point="260,250" />
      <PathFigure IsClosed="True" IsFilled="True" StartPoint="110,345">
        <LineSegment Point="135,375" />
        <LineSegment Point="100,420" />
        <LineSegment Point="90,410" />
        <LineSegment Point="110,345" />
      <PathFigure IsClosed="True" IsFilled="True" StartPoint="356.25,377.5">
        <LineSegment Point="381.25,350" />
        <LineSegment Point="410,410" />
        <LineSegment Point="400,420" />
        <LineSegment Point="356.25,377.5" />
