Table of Contents

Enum DeviceEffectPropertyType


Specifies the types of properties supported by the Direct2D property interface.

public enum DeviceEffectPropertyType


Unknown = 0

An unknown property.

String = 1

An arbitrary-length string.

Boolean = 2

A 32-bit integer value constrained to be either 0 or 1.

UInt32 = 3

An unsigned 32-bit integer.

Int32 = 4

A signed 32-bit integer.

Float = 5

A 32-bit float.

Vector2Float = 6

Two 32-bit float values.

Vector3Float = 7

Three 32-bit float values.

Vector4Float = 8

Four 32-bit float values.

Blob = 9

An arbitrary number of bytes.

IObjectRef = 10

An object that implements IObjectRef.

Enum = 11

An enumeration. The value should be treated as a UINT32 with a defined array of fields to specify the bindings to human-readable strings.

Array = 12

An enumeration. The value is the count of sub-properties in the array. The set of array elements will be contained in the sub-property.

ClassID = 13

A class ID (CLSID, GUID).

Matrix3x2Float = 14

A 3x2 matrix of float values.

Matrix4x3Float = 15

A 4x3 matrix of float values.

Matrix4x4Float = 16

A 4x4 matrix of float values.

Matrix5x4Float = 17

A 5x4 matrix of float values.

ColorContext = 18

An object that implements IDeviceColorContext.