Property PrimitiveBlend
- Namespace
- PaintDotNet.Direct2D1
- Assembly
- PaintDotNet.Windows.dll
Gets or sets the primitive blend used by the device context. The default is SourceOver.
PrimitiveBlend PrimitiveBlend { get; set; }
Property Value
The primitive blend will apply to all of the primitive drawn on the context, unless this is overridden with the compositeMode
parameter on the DrawImage(IDeviceImage, Point2Float?, in RectFloat?, InterpolationMode, CompositeMode) method.
The primitive blend applies to the interior of any primitives drawn on the context. In the case of DrawImage, this will be
implied by the image rectangle, offset and world transform.
If the primitive blend is anything other than SourceOver then ClearType rendering will be turned
off. If the application explicitly forces ClearType rendering in these modes, the drawing context will be placed in an error
state. The WrongStateException will be thrown by either EndDraw() or Flush().