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Enum SvgAttributePodType


Defines the type of SVG POD attribute to set or get.

public enum SvgAttributePodType


Float = 0

The attribute is a float.

Color = 1

The attribute is a ColorRgba128Float.

FillMode = 2

The attribute is a FillMode.

Display = 3

The attribute is a SvgDisplay.

Overflow = 4

The attribute is a SvgOverflow.

LineCap = 5

The attribute is a SvgLineCap.

LineJoin = 6

The attribute is a SvgLineJoin.

Visibility = 7

The attribute is a SvgVisibility.

Matrix = 8

The attribute is a Matrix3x2Float.

UnitType = 9

The attribute is a SvgUnitType.

ExtendMode = 10

The attribute is a ExtendMode.

PreserveAspectRatio = 11

The attribute is a SvgPreserveAspectRatio.

ViewBox = 12

The attribute is a SvgViewBox.

Length = 13

The attribute is a SvgLength.