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Enum DirectWriteError

public enum DirectWriteError


FileFormat = -2003283968

Indicates an error in an input file such as a font file.

Unexpected = -2003283967

Indicates an error originating in DirectWrite code, which is not expected to occur but is safe to recover from.

NoFont = -2003283966

Indicates the specified font does not exist.

NoColor = -2003283956

Indicates that the font has no color information. This is returned from IDWriteFactory4::TranslateColorGlyphRun().

FileNotFound = -2003283965

A font file could not be opened because the file, directory, network location, drive, or other storage location does not exist or is unavailable.

FileAccess = -2003283964

A font file exists but could not be opened due to access denied, sharing violation, or similar error.

FontCollectionObsolete = -2003283963

A font collection is obsolete due to changes in the system.

AlreadyRegistered = -2003283962

The given interface is already registered.

RemoteFont = -2003283955

The remote font could not be constructed.

FontCacheFormat = -2003283961

The font cache contains invalid data.

FontCacheVersion = -2003283960

A font cache file corresponds to a different version of DirectWrite.

FontDownloadFailed = -2003283953

The font download failed.

TooManyFontDownloads = -2003283952

There are too many active font downloads.

FontDownloadCancelled = -2003283954

The font download was cancelled.

UnsupportedOperation = -2003283959

The operation is not supported for this type of font.

FlowDirectionConflicts = -2003283957

The reading direction and flow direction must be 90 degrees orthogonal to each other.

TextRendererIncompatible = -2003283958

When setting a vertical text direction, you must pass an interface that implements IDWriteTextRenderer1.