Namespace PaintDotNet.DirectWrite
- UnexpectedDirectWriteException
Indicates an error originating in DirectWrite code, which is not expected to occur but is safe to recover from.
- ClusterMetrics
Contains information about a glyph cluster.
- FontFeature
Specifies properties used to identify and execute typographic features in the current font face.
- FontMetrics
The FontMetrics structure specifies the metrics that are applicable to all glyphs within the font face.
See DWRITE_FONT_METRICS1 for more information.
- HitTestMetrics
Describes the region obtained by a hit test.
- LineMetrics
Contains information about a formatted line of text.
- LineSpacing
Sets the vertical spacing between lines of text.
- OverhangMetrics
Indicates how much any visible DIPs (device independent pixels) overshoot each side of the layout or inline objects.
- TextMetrics
Contains the metrics associated with text after layout. All coordinates are in device independent pixels (DIPs).
- IDirectWriteFactory
Used to create all subsequent DirectWrite objects. This interface is the root factory interface for all DirectWrite objects.
This interface corresponds to the following DirectWrite interfaces:
IDWriteFactory IDWriteFactory1 IDWriteFactory2 IDWriteFactory3 IDWriteFactory4 IDWriteFactory5 IDWriteFactory6 IDWriteFactory7
NOTE: Not all DirectWrite functionality is supported.
- BreakCondition
Indicates the condition at the edges of inline object or text used to determine line-breaking behavior.
- FlowDirection
Indicates the direction of how lines of text are placed relative to one another.
- FontLineGapUsage
Specifies whether the FontMetrics.LineGap value should be part of the line metrics
- FontSimulations
Specifies algorithmic style simulations to be applied to the font face. Bold and oblique simulations can be combined via bitwise OR operation.
- FontStretch
Represents the degree to which a font has been stretched compared to a font's normal aspect ratio.The enumerated values correspond to the usWidthClass definition in the OpenType specification. The usWidthClass represents an integer value between 1 and 9—lower values indicate narrower widths; higher values indicate wider widths.
- FontStyle
Represents the style of a font face as normal, italic, or oblique.
- FontWeight
Represents the density of a typeface, in terms of the lightness or heaviness of the strokes. The enumerated values correspond to the usWeightClass definition in the OpenType specification. The usWeightClass represents an integer value between 1 and 999. Lower values indicate lighter weights; higher values indicate heavier weights.
See DWRITE_FONT_WEIGHT for more information.
- GlyphImageFormats
Specifies which formats are supported in the font, either at a font-wide level or per glyph.
- GridFitMode
Specifies whether to enable grid-fitting of glyph outlines (also known as hinting).
- LineSpacingMethod
The method used for line spacing in a text layout.
- ParagraphAlignment
Specifies the alignment of paragraph text along the flow direction axis, relative to the top and bottom of the flow's layout box.
- PixelGeometry
Represents the internal structure of a device pixel (that is, the physical arrangement of red, green, and blue color components) that is assumed for purposes of rendering text.
- ReadingDirection
Specifies the direction in which reading progresses.
- TextRenderingMode
Represents a method of rendering glyphs.
- TrimmingGranularity
Specifies the text granularity used to trim text overflowing the layout box.
- WordWrapping
Specifies the word wrapping to be used in a particular multiline paragraph.