Interface IDirectWriteFactory
- Namespace
- PaintDotNet.DirectWrite
- Assembly
- PaintDotNet.Windows.dll
Used to create all subsequent DirectWrite objects. This interface is the root factory interface for all DirectWrite objects.
This interface corresponds to the following DirectWrite interfaces:
NOTE: Not all DirectWrite functionality is supported.
public interface IDirectWriteFactory : IObjectRef, IIsDisposed, IDisposable, IInternalImpl
- Inherited Members
- Extension Methods
- GdiInterop
Gets an object that is used for interoperability with GDI.
- CreateCustomTextRenderingParameters(float, float, float, float, PixelGeometry, TextRenderingMode, GridFitMode)
Creates a rendering parameters object with the specified properties.
- CreateEllipsisTrimmingSign(ITextFormat)
Creates an inline object for trimming, using an ellipsis as the omission sign.
- CreateGdiCompatibleTextLayout(string, ITextFormat, float, float, float, in Matrix3x2Float?, bool)
Takes a string, format, and associated constraints, and produces an object representing the result, formatted for a particular display resolution and measuring mode.
- CreateMonitorTextRenderingParameters(nint)
Creates a rendering parameters object with default settings for the specified monitor. In most cases, this is the preferred way to create a rendering parameters object.
- CreateTextFormat(string, IFontCollection?, FontWeight, FontStyle, FontStretch, float, string?)
Creates a text format object used for text layout.
- CreateTextLayout(string, ITextFormat, float, float)
Takes a string, text format, and associated constraints, and produces an object that represents the fully analyzed and formatted result.
- CreateTextRenderingParameters()
Creates a rendering parameters object with default settings for the primary monitor. Different monitors may have different rendering parameters, for more information see the How to Add Support for Multiple Monitors topic.
- CreateTypography()
Creates a typography object for use in a text layout.
- GetSystemFontCollection(bool)
Gets an object which represents the set of installed fonts.