Namespace PaintDotNet.Effects.Gpu
- GpuDrawingEffect
The base class for Direct2D GPU effects that use drawing commands (e.g. DrawBitmap, FillRectangle).
- GpuEffect
The base class for Direct2D GPU effects. This class is for advanced scenarios. You should probably derive from GpuImageEffect/PropertyBasedGpuImageEffect or GpuDrawingEffect/PropertyBasedGpuDrawingEffect.
- GpuEffectColorContext
Secifies the color space that a GpuEffect performs its rendering in. Input images will be converted to this color space, and the output of the effect will then be converted back to the working space of the source image.
- GpuImageEffect
The base class for Direct2D GPU effects that are based on Direct2D's imaging/effects system. For effects that want to be based on drawing commands (e.g. DrawBitmap, FillRectangle), GpuDrawingEffect (or PropertyBasedGpuDrawingEffect) is probably the right choice instead of this class.
- GpuImageEffect<TToken>
The base class for Direct2D GPU effects. This class is for advanced scenarios. You should probably derive from GpuImageEffect/PropertyBasedGpuImageEffect or GpuDrawingEffect/PropertyBasedGpuDrawingEffect.
- PdnAddNoiseEffect
A Direct2D effect that renders Paint.NET's Add Noise effect.
- PdnAutoLevel
Contains methods that enable the calculation of auto-leveling values for use with PdnLevelsEffect.
- PdnBrightnessContrastEffect
A Direct2D effect that operates the same as Paint.NET's built-in Brightness & Contrast adjustment.
- PdnBulgeEffect
Provides Paint.NET's Bulge effect as a DynamicEffect that can be used for rendering with Direct2D.
- PdnCloudsEffect
A Direct2D effect that renders Paint.NET's Clouds effect.
- PdnCrystalizeEffect
Provides Paint.NET's Crystalize effect as a DynamicEffect that can be used for rendering with Direct2D.
- PdnDentsEffect
Provides Paint.NET's Dents effect as a DynamicEffect that can be used for rendering with Direct2D.
- PdnDistortionEffect
The base class for Paint.NET distortion effects.
- PdnDropShadowEffect
A Direct2D effect that operates the same as Paint.NET's built-in Drop Shadow effect.
- PdnEmbossEffect
A Direct2D effect that renders Paint.NET's Emboss effect.
- PdnFragmentEffect
A Direct2D effect that operates the same as Paint.NET's built-in Fragment effect.
- PdnGlowEffect
A Direct2D effect that operates the same as Paint.NET's built-in Glow effect.
- PdnHueSaturationLightnessEffect
A Direct2D effect that adjusts hue, saturation, and lightness in the same manner as Paint.NET's built-in Hue & Saturation adjustment.
- PdnInkSketchEffect
A Direct2D effect that renders Paint.NET's Ink Sketch effect.
- PdnJuliaFractalEffect
A Direct2D effect that renders a Julia fractal.
- PdnLevelsEffect
A Direct2D effect that can move and stretch the brightness and contrast levels of an image.
- PdnMotionBlurEffect
A Direct2D effect that operates the same as Paint.NET's Motion Blur effect.
- PdnOilPaintingEffect
A Direct2D effect that implements Paint.NET's Oil Painting effect.
- PdnPencilSketchEffect
A Direct2D effect that renders Paint.NET's Pencil Sketch effect.
- PdnPixelateEffect
A Direct2D effect that operates the same as Paint.NET's Pixelate effect.
- PdnPolarInversionEffect
Provides Paint.NET's Polar Inversion effect as a DynamicEffect that can be used for rendering with Direct2D.
- PdnRadialBlurEffect
Provides Paint.NET's Radial Blur effect as a DynamicEffect that can be used for rendering with Direct2D.
- PdnReduceNoiseEffect
A Direct2D effect that renders Paint.NET's built-in Reduce Noise effect.
- PdnReliefEffect
A Direct2D effect that operates the same as Paint.NET's Relief effect.
- PdnRotateZoomEffect
Provides Paint.NET's Rotate/Zoom effect as a DynamicEffect that can be used for rendering with Direct2D.
- PdnSketchBlurEffect
A Direct2D effect that renders Paint.NET's Sketch Blur effect.
- PdnSoftenPortraitEffect
A Direct2D effect that operates the same as Paint.NET's built-in Soften Portrait effect.
- PdnSurfaceBlurEffect
A Direct2D effect that renders Paint.NET's built-in Surface Blur effect.
Surface Blur is a bilateral filter that blurs the image while preserving sharp details and edges.
- PdnTileReflectionEffect
Provides Paint.NET's Tile Reflection effect as a DynamicEffect that can be used for rendering with Direct2D.
- PdnTwistEffect
Provides Paint.NET's Twist effect as a DynamicEffect that can be used for rendering with Direct2D.
- PdnVignetteEffect
A Direct2D effect that operates the same as Paint.NET's built-in Vignette effect.
- PdnZoomBlurEffect
Provides Paint.NET's Zoom Blur effect as a DynamicEffect that can be used for rendering with Direct2D.
- PropertyBasedGpuDrawingEffect
The base class for Direct2D GPU effects that use drawing commands (e.g. DrawBitmap, FillRectangle) and that also use IndirectUI.
- PropertyBasedGpuEffect
The base class for Direct2D GPU effects that use IndirectUI. This class is for very advanced scenarios. You should probably derive from GpuImageEffect, PropertyBasedGpuImageEffect, GpuDrawingEffect, or PropertyBasedGpuDrawingEffect.
- PropertyBasedGpuImageEffect
The base class for Direct2D GPU effects that are based on Direct2D's imaging/effects system and that also use IndirectUI. For effects that want to be based on drawing commands (e.g. DrawBitmap, FillRectangle), GpuDrawingEffect or PropertyBasedGpuDrawingEffect is probably the right choice instead of this class.
- IGpuEffectImage
This is the base interface for GPU images that are accessible from a GPU effect's environment (IGpuEffectEnvironment2).
- PdnMotionBlurKernelType
Specifies the kernel that is used for blurring.